Take our alcohol test

The test is used by medical professionals all over the world. The test will give you a nuanced picture of how much you are drinking. It was developed by the World Health Organization and is recommended by the Danish health authorities.

Answer 12 questions and get your test result along with valuable information about your drinking habits.

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Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You don't drink

You have made a healthy choice. Alcohol is harmful to the body and you are brave to say no.

You don't have to worry about how much is too much and you can drive safely home from the party.

If you feel like enjoying a glass once in a while, that's completely fine. Just make sure to stay on the safe side and follow the recommendations of the Danish National Board of Health

Recommendations by the Danish National Board of Health

The recommendations of the Board of Health are based on a low risk consumption of alcohol to give its citizens better advice about alcohol. The Board of Health indicates that women should not drink more than 7 drinks a week and men no more than 14 drinks a week.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You don't drink

You have made a healthy choice. Alcohol is harmful to the body and you are brave to say no.

You don't have to worry about how much is too much and you can drive safely home from the party.

If you feel like enjoying a glass once in a while, that's completely fine. Just make sure to stay on the safe side and follow the recommendations of the Danish Health Authority.

Recommendations by The Danish Health Authority

There is no safe limit where it is completely risk-free to drink alcohol. This is due to individual factors such as age, body size, genetics, and physical and mental illnesses give different vulnerability to the effects of alcohol. By following the Danish Health Authority's announcements about alcohol, you can reduce your risk of alcohol-related illness and death.

The Danish Health Authority recommend that you should not drink more than 10 units of alcohol a week and no more than 4 units of alcohol at the same day.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

Your drinking is normal

You drinking is normal. You likely only drink at special occasions. You have made a smart and a healthy choice because large amounts of alcohol are harmfull to the body.

You are lucky not to have to worry about having had too much to drink and people around you are lucky to have a designated driver close.

Listen to your body

Your body is very good at telling you how alcohol affects it. Listen to it.

If you need help understanding how alcohol affects your body, call one of our counselors. They can help you understand anything you need to be aware of.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

Your drinking is normal

You drinking is normal. You likely only drink at special occasions. You have made a smart and a healthy choice because large amounts of alcohol are harmfull to the body.

You are lucky not to have to worry about having had too much to drink and people around you are lucky to have a designated driver close.

Listen to your body

Your body is very good at telling you how alcohol affects it. Listen to it.

If you need help understanding how alcohol affects your body, call one of our counselors. They can help you understand anything you need to be aware of.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You drink more than what is good for you

Before you go on, think about if you know these feeling:

  • I get exhausted quickly, when I walk, ride a bike og carry things
  • I am in a bad mood without any particular reason
  • I prefer to be on my own rather than spent time with family and friends
  • I wake up at night and feel sick

Drinking too much may cause or worsen any of these feelings.

Limit your drinking now

Only 1 in 10 danes drink as much as you do, but you can limit your drinking now by doing one of these things:

  • Stop drinking on workdays
  • Substitute every other drink with either water, coffee or sodas
  • Spend time with friends and family that you normally don’t drink alcohol with

You don’t need to do all of these things at once. Choose one of them and stick to it for a month. You will stop thinking about it quickly and after a month, take the test again.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You drink more than what is good for you

Before you go on, think about if you know these feeling:

  • I get exhausted quickly, when I walk, ride a bike og carry things
  • I am in a bad mood without any particular reason
  • I prefer to be on my own rather than spent time with family and friends
  • I wake up at night and feel sick

Drinking too much may cause or worsen any of these feelings.

Limit your drinking now

Only 1 in 10 danes drink as much as you do, but you can limit your drinking now by doing one of these things:

  • Stop drinking on workdays
  • Substitute every other drink with either water, coffee or sodas
  • Spend time with friends and family that you normally don’t drink alcohol with

You don’t need to do all of these things at once. Choose one of them and stick to it for a month. You will stop thinking about it quickly and after a month, take the test again.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You drink more than what is good for you

Before you go on, think about if you know these feeling:

  • I get exhausted quickly, when I walk, ride a bike og carry things
  • I am in a bad mood without any particular reason
  • I prefer to be on my own rather than spent time with family and friends
  • I wake up at night and feel sick

Drinking too much may cause or worsen any of these feelings.

Limit your drinking now

Only 1 in 10 danes drink as much as you do, but you can limit your drinking now by doing one of these things:

  • Stop drinking on workdays
  • Substitute every other drink with either water, coffee or sodas
  • Spend time with friends and family that you normally don’t drink alcohol with

You don’t need to do all of these things at once. Choose one of them and stick to it for a month. You will stop thinking about it quickly and after a month, take the test again.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You drink more than what is good for you

Before you go on, think about if you know these feeling:

  • I get exhausted quickly, when I walk, ride a bike og carry things
  • I am in a bad mood without any particular reason
  • I prefer to be on my own rather than spent time with family and friends
  • I wake up at night and feel sick

Drinking too much may cause or worsen any of these feelings.

Limit your drinking now

Only 1 in 10 danes drink as much as you do, but you can limit your drinking now by doing one of these things:

  • Stop drinking on workdays
  • Substitute every other drink with either water, coffee or sodas
  • Spend time with friends and family that you normally don’t drink alcohol with

You don’t need to do all of these things at once. Choose one of them and stick to it for a month. You will stop thinking about it quickly and after a month, take the test again.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

Your drinking is harmful

People see and feel that your drinking is harmful to you, even when you are trying to hide it.

You are drink so much that your family and friends notice it.

The signs are much more obvious than you may think. At a dinner with friends, you are likely to be the one drinking the most.

Only one in ten Danes drink as much as you do. People around you may perceive you as loud and unpredictable.

Control you drinking with a new plan

Within a few months and with the right help, you will be able to limit your drinking to an amount, that isn’t harmful to you or the people around you.

A plan could look something like this:

An hourly session that focuses on you

A weekly meeting for two hours for the next 12 weeks, to give you the tools to limit your drinking

A final session to support your newfound drinking habits, so the people around you can continue to enjoy your company.

Plan your success

Your chance of succeeding is much greater when you make a plan that fits you and your life. We can help you make that plan if you call us – free and anonymously.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

Your drinking is harmful

People see and feel that your drinking is harmful to you, even when you are trying to hide it.

You are drink so much that your family and friends notice it.

The signs are much more obvious than you may think. At a dinner with friends, you are likely to be the one drinking the most.

Only one in ten Danes drink as much as you do. People around you may perceive you as loud and unpredictable.

Control you drinking with a new plan

Within a few months and with the right help, you will be able to limit your drinking to an amount, that isn’t harmful to you or the people around you.

A plan could look something like this:

An hourly session that focuses on you

A weekly meeting for two hours for the next 12 weeks, to give you the tools to limit your drinking

A final session to support your newfound drinking habits, so the people around you can continue to enjoy your company.

Plan your success

Your chance of succeeding is much greater when you make a plan that fits you and your life. We can help you make that plan if you call us – free and anonymously.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You likely suffer from alcohol dependency

You are drinking so much that you need professional help now. You will not get over the negative feelings and the guilt that you feel towards the people around you. You will continue to be worried about harming yourself and without help you will not overcome the fear of failing to stop drinking.

You should know that those feelings are completely normal. Others in the same situation go through exactly the same. But know that those negative feelings make it close to impossible for you to stop drinking without professional help.

This is what you need to do

You have already taken the first step by taking the test. The result is serious, but there is a way out. You need to get the right treatment.

Tegn på afhængighed
Skadeligt alkoholforbrug
Stort alkoholforbrug
Almindeligt alkoholforbrug
Intet alkoholforbrug
Signs of dependency
Harmful drinking
Hazardous drinking
Moderate drinking
No drinking

You likely suffer from alcohol dependency

You are drinking so much that you need professional help now. You will not get over the negative feelings and the guilt that you feel towards the people around you. You will continue to be worried about harming yourself and without help you will not overcome the fear of failing to stop drinking.

You should know that those feelings are completely normal. Others in the same situation go through exactly the same. But know that those negative feelings make it close to impossible for you to stop drinking without professional help.

This is what you need to do

You have already taken the first step by taking the test. The result is serious, but there is a way out. You need to get the right treatment.

Only 4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 2.5 % of women your age drink as much as you

Only 2 % of women your age drink as much as you

Only 1 % of women your age drink as much as you

Only 0.6% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 0.4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 2% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 0,4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 0,4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 0.6% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 0.7% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 1% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 1% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 4% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 1% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 1% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 1% of women your age drink as much as you

Only 5% men your age drink as much as you

Only 6% men your age drink as much as you

Only 8% men your age drink as much as you

Only 3% men your age drink as much as you

Only 3% men your age drink as much as you

Only 5% men your age drink as much as you

Only 2% men your age drink as much as you

Only 3% men your age drink as much as you

Only 7% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 3% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 4.5% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 10% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 5% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 6% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 11% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 5% of men your age drink as much as you

Only 5% of men your age drink as much as you

Call us for more advice – anonymously

Ring til 80 200 500
eller send en SMS med teksten ‘ALKOHOL’ til 1231.
Så ringer en rådgiver dig op mellem kl. 09-17 om mandagen eller mellem kl. 11-17 tirsdag til fredag.
Call 80 200 500
or send a text message containing ‘ALKOHOL’ to 1231.
One of our counselors will call you back between 11 am and 5 pm on Mondays or between 11 am and 5 pm Tuesday to Friday.
Andre rådgivninger

Du kan også kontakte os via:

Other counseling

You can also contact us by:

Call us for more advice – anonymously

Ring til 80 200 500
eller send en SMS med teksten ‘ALKOHOL’ til 1231.
Så ringer en rådgiver dig op mellem kl. 09-17 om mandagen eller mellem kl. 11-17 tirsdag til fredag.
Call 80 200 500
or send a text message containing ‘ALKOHOL’ to 1231.
One of our counselors will call you back between 11 am and 5 pm on Mondays or between 11 am and 5 pm Tuesday to Friday.
Andre rådgivninger

Du kan også kontakte os via:

Other counseling

You can also contact us by:

Call us for more advice – anonymously

Ring til 80 200 500
eller send en SMS med teksten ‘ALKOHOL’ til 1231.
Så ringer en rådgiver dig op mellem kl. 09-17 om mandagen eller mellem kl. 11-17 tirsdag til fredag.
Call 80 200 500
or send a text message containing ‘ALKOHOL’ to 1231.
One of our counselors will call you back between 11 am and 5 pm on Mondays or between 11 am and 5 pm Tuesday to Friday.
Andre rådgivninger

Du kan også kontakte os via:

Other counseling

You can also contact us by:

Call us for more advice – anonymously

Ring til 80 200 500
eller send en SMS med teksten ‘ALKOHOL’ til 1231.
Så ringer en rådgiver dig op mellem kl. 09-17 om mandagen eller mellem kl. 11-17 tirsdag til fredag.
Call 80 200 500
or send a text message containing ‘ALKOHOL’ to 1231.
One of our counselors will call you back between 11 am and 5 pm on Mondays or between 11 am and 5 pm Tuesday to Friday.
Andre rådgivninger

Du kan også kontakte os via:

Other counseling

You can also contact us by:

Call us for more advice – anonymously

Ring til 80 200 500
eller send en SMS med teksten ‘ALKOHOL’ til 1231.
Så ringer en rådgiver dig op mellem kl. 09-17 om mandagen eller mellem kl. 11-17 tirsdag til fredag.
Call 80 200 500
or send a text message containing ‘ALKOHOL’ to 1231.
One of our counselors will call you back between 11 am and 5 pm on Mondays or between 11 am and 5 pm Tuesday to Friday.
Andre rådgivninger

Du kan også kontakte os via:

Other counseling

You can also contact us by:

Call our anonymous counseling

You will be met by a couselor who knows about the situation you are in and who is ready to help you.

Ring til 80 200 500
eller send en SMS med teksten ‘ALKOHOL’ til 1231.
Så ringer en rådgiver dig op mellem kl. 09-17 om mandagen eller mellem kl. 11-17 tirsdag til fredag.
Call 80 200 500
or send a text message containing ‘ALKOHOL’ to 1231.
One of our counselors will call you back between 11 am and 5 pm on Mondays or between 11 am and 5 pm Tuesday to Friday.
Andre rådgivninger

Du kan også kontakte os via:

Other counseling

You can also contact us by:


Anne rådgiver

Anne er uddannet speciallæge og har arbejdet i misbrugsområdet siden 2005 som børnefamiliesagkyndig og alkoholbehandler. Hun har arbejdet en del med pårørende, børn og unge, samt familier. Anne har været rådgiver på Alkolinjen siden 2017.

Charlotte rådgiver

Charlotte er uddannet socialrådgiver og terapeut. Hun har i 20 år arbejdet med afhængighed. Hun har også stor erfaring med rådgivning til dem der er pårørende, både voksne pårørende og børn og unge i familier med alkoholproblemer. Charlotte har været rådgiver på Alkolinjen siden 2016.
Anders rådgiver

Anders rådgiver

Anders er cand.mag. i filosofi og han har tidligere arbejdet i Center for Unge og Rusmidler. I den forbindelse har han skrevet bogen 'U-turn - teori, metode og praksis' og undervist i teorierne bag rådgivning om rusmidler. Han er lige nu i gang med at uddanne sig til psykoterapeut. Anders har været rådgiver på Alkolinjen siden 2019.
Lasse Rådgiver

Lasse rådgiver

Lasse har gennem de sidste 20 år arbejdet med telefonrådgivning. De seneste syv år har han arbejdet med alkoholrådgivning både i virksomheder, gennem opsøgende arbejde og som rådgiver på Alkolinjen. Lasse har været rådgiver på Alkolinjen siden 2016.

You can do it

Even though the thought of treament may seen strange and hard to manage right now, you will be much better on the other side.

You don't even need to change your daily routines. I can be very difficult to cut down drinking by yourself. Consider if free and anonimous treatment is right for you - 9 out of 10 peopele in your situation are happy with the help they have received.

You can do it!

Every year serveral hundred people in your situation go through treatment that makes them feel better and gives them energy to be with family and friends.

There is also treatment for you that will help you get better, even if you have tried and not succeeded to stop drinking before.

Chances that you will succeeed will rise, if you try again.

Do you know someone you drinks too much? They would be happy for your support! The worst feeling for people who drink too much, is to realize they have a problem and to do something about it alone.

Here are six tips for a familymember or friend to have a talk with one who drinks too much:

  1. Who and when
    It is important to consider who should be present and where the talk should take place.
  2. Find the right time
    Make sure to find the time of day where the person is not drunk or suffering from withdrawal.
  3. Concern rather than anger
    The motivation for a talk should be concern and not anger. Use sentences like ”I am talking to you about this, because I am worried about you”
  4. Separate the alcohol from the person
    Try and separate the alcohol from the person by using sentences like "What alcohol does to you is..."
  5. Use I language
    Use I-language and stay with your point of view. Be clear about your feeling, your thoughts and your needs. Talk about your losses due to the alcohol.
  6. Recognize the god and the healthy
    Avoid focussing on faults and mistakes.